Having yet to meet in person, the act 53 thieves is a true testament to wonders of online collaboration, consisting of members that span the globe. U.K-based singer-songwriters Jess and Conor from Denton Thrift, New York-based producer Ronin, and Mississippi-based producer Pryces join talents to create the melodic and soulful sounds that have made 53 thieves a power house in the indie electronic community.
Their first 2021 release “red leather” is an absolutely stunning track that lifts listeners into its own whimsical world. The complexly layered beats are filled with warm and emotional chord progressions. Topped off with smooth, almost seductive vocals, the silky and suave feel of “red leather” makes it a no-brainer addition to any “chill vibes” playlist. Give “red leather” a listen and check out the rest of 53 Thieves’ discography below.
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