Last Thursday, Sable Valley artist Montell2099 debuted a 27-minute trap set atop the snowy depths of Lake Alta, New Zealand. The spectacular spectacle follows Montell’s trap set two years ago on Karekare Beach–also in New Zealand. Both videos were launched through the Trap Nation Youtube channel with direction by Human Person & Below Studios.
The premise is simple yet powerful. Both DJ set videos offer New Zealand native Montell playing face-melting IDs in an isolated environment, from the foggy shores of Karekare to the absolute zero temperatures of Lake Alta. Human Person & Below Studios pair him with a minimalistic location design approach. It’s just him, his controller, and an illuminated isosceles triangle. The superb direction of the creative team gives viewers a birds-eye view of Montell while he chews the beautiful scenery.
This outing in Lake Alta drops the exact setup on top of a frozen lake enveloped by an icy mountain range named The Remarkables. As dusk sets in, Montell himself looks like a mountain of beige clothing to offset the freezing temperatures and high elevation. Ironically, the set creates a fiery and aggressive atmosphere, consisting of his songs, collabs with Netsky, and a few VIPs for this special occasion. The lighting design electrifies the floor during the nighttime, while Soulstrom Lasers paint the mountain range like a projector.
When Montell announced the first video two years ago, he intended to “showcase the beautiful country [Kiwis] live in, whilst also putting our art on display in a different way.” The partnership between Montell2099, Human Person, Below Studios, Sable Valley, and Trap Nation progresses with each installment. The only premise for the next sequel that comes to mind–in addition to a quick Google search–is for Montell2099 to perform at the base of one of New Zealand’s nine-to-twelve active volcanoes. The ball’s in your court, Montell.